Travel information

When flying to the Netherlands, it is usually best to fly to Schiphol International Airport, and from there take the train to Eindhoven. There is a direct train connection between Schiphol International Airport and Eindhoven Central Station. Train schedules are available online.

Eindhoven does have a local airport, Eindhoven Airport, which is located some five km outside the city of Eindhoven. From the airport there are various public transport options available to reach TU/e Campus conveniently. Next to the terminal is the bus stop from which bus 400 or 401 will take you to Eindhoven Central Station within some 20 minutes. From Eindhoven station / bus stop Neckerspoel, Eindhoven to TU/e Campus is at some eight minutes walking distance.

If you do come by car, ANWB signposts on all motorways to and around Eindhoven (A2, A50, A58, A67 and A270) will indicate the direction Centrum, until Universiteit / TU/e Science Park is indicated. Inspect the route descriptions. Please be aware that parking is not free, to leave the campus you have to pay with the ticket you get upon entering, so take some change with you.